[영어 뉴스 자료]
▣ Economy (경제)
African economists lower expectations
Australian leader
Bush calls for action
Chinas Labor Supply
EU Foreign Ministers
NV-1204- IMF 추가 재정지원 요청
NV-1204-China Auto Market
NV-1204-IMF Chief-World Economy
NV-1204-IMF 세계 경제 성장 긍정적
NV-1205-Affordable Housing Growing Scarce in US
NV-1205-Facebook IPO Issues
NV-1205-Facebook's Stock Debuts
NV-1205-Farming by GPS
NV-1205-Greece Markets
NV-1205-Italy High Speed Train
NV-1205-Oil Prices Ease, But Airlines Still Worried
NV-1205-US Funding Global health
NV-1205-US Hiring Disappoints but Jobless Rate Ticks
NV-1206-Global Foods Vie for US Market
NV-1206-Greece Eurozone Exit
NV-1206-Greeks Face Decisive Vote as Anti-German
NV-1206-Greeks Seek Shelter Overseas As Russians
NV-1206-World's Economy Still Focused on Europe
NV-1207-South Korea Makes Money by Making Money
NV-1207-US Jobs Data Adds To Global Recession Fears
NV-1207-Youth Unemployment
NV-1208-China Seeks New Technology in Oil Deal
NV-1208-Libyan Economy in Post-Revolution Boom
NV-1208-Olympic Fans Go Shopping
NV-1208-Olympic Games Hurt Business in London
NV-1208-Political Bickering
NV-1209-Angola's Economic Boom
NV-1209-Euro Solution
NV-1209-Nokia, Microsoft Promote New Phones
NV-1209-Optimism Over Euro Crisis
NV-1209-Rice Payment Scheme
NV-1209-Russia’s Car Boom
NV-1209-US Economic Recovery
NV-1210-Americans Remain Divided on China Trade Issue
NV-1210-OECD Adds Its Voice to US Debate on Taxes
OPEC to boost production targets
South Korean President apologizes
Stifle Palestinian economy
Strong Yen
경기침체로 타격받고 있는 아시아 여성들
국제무역거래에서 큰 발전 성취 실패
기록적 자산이 개도국으로 흘러가다
나이지리아 오고니 사람들 기름 회사에 저항
돌아온 자판기 식당-오토맷
모건 스탠리
미국, 일본 북한에 강요하다
미국과 한국 자유무역협정 체결
미국의 자동차 산업
세계은행 기업가 후원
에콰도르 국민투표
예상보다 빠르게 증가하는 미국 실업률
워킹 맘들의 비애
이민과 정부 정체성
인도네시아 항해 보안 도움을 요청하다
주식 거래 세금 상승 후 중국인들 지분 침체
중국의 필사적인 석유 추구
차드 정부의 공무원들 파업
출산 휴가의 낙원 스웨덴
타결도 결렬도 없는 WTO
▣ Education (교육)
30초 영상
Can Poets
NV-1201-Extremely Loud
NV-1302-랩으로 배우는 수학
NV-1304-Hearing-Impaired Students at Gallaudet
경영과 전자상거래 관심을 끌다
다양한 도시생활이 Selvon Waldron을 가져온다
모범 마을
춤이 문화를 살게 하다
학생들이 종교 화합을 조성하다
▣ Entertainment (엔터테인먼트)
2007 South By Southwest 음악 회의
49회 그레미 시상식
dressing like barbie
Get Smart
Grammy winner Dianne Reeves
Hollywood actor Charlton Heston dies
New Talent
NV-1201-Extremely Loud
NV-1204-Supernatural Romance
NV-1204-유럽 청년오케스트라-미국친구들과 열정
NV-1205-Maurice Sendak
NV-1206-Damsels in Distress Now A Thing of the Past
NV-1206-Director Ridley Scott Is Back With New Alien
NV-1206-Hot Chelle Rae's 'Whatever' Keeps it Real
NV-1207-Art and Music from Black DC Neighborhoods
NV-1207-Downtown Art Walk Provides New View of Los Angeles
NV-1207-Going to Camp to Become a Sports Mascot
NV-1207-Nuts and Bolts of Art in Brooklyn
NV-1207-Opera Fallujah Shows US Veteran's Inner Battle
NV-1207-The Dark Knight
NV-1208-A Cappella Group
NV-1208-Graffiti Artists Paint Beijing
NV-1209-American Idol Winner
NV-1209-Coney Island Sideshows
NV-1209-Fashion Meets Art on Pakistani Catwalk
NV-1209-Neon Trees Release 'Picture Show'
NV-1209-Slum Film Festival
NV-1209-Young Kenyan Artists
NV-1210-Monet's Garden
NV-1210-Movies About Human Rights
NV-1212-Haunted House
NV-1301-End to Hollywood Film Violence Unlikely
NV-1301-The Impossible Revisits Devastating 2004 Tsunami
NV-1302-Korean American Deli Owner Is A Calligrapher
NV-1303-Ailing African Youngsters
Pakistani rock band
Paris middle shoolers earn acclaim
Popular HBO television series
typhoon tells story
Youre an Idiot
개들의 화려한 패션세계
나이지리아 예술가들
누가 그래미 상을 탈 것인가
다이앤 키튼 새영화로 돌아오다
데이비드 그리스먼의 4중주단
데자뷰의 덴젤 워싱턴
도난당한 그림을 찾아서
마이클 브레커의 최종 음반
블러드 다이아 몬드
새 영화 혹스
성룡과 함께하는 80일간의 세계일주
슈렉 3
스티브 아자르
아메리카 아이돌의 테일러 힉스
아시아를 넘어 비가
안드레아 보첼리
애니메이션 팬들 도쿄에 모이다
어린 아랍아이들을 위한 새로운 프로젝트
음악적 취향
제프 골럽의 변화
커트 보네커트 작가 별세
케빈 코스트너
파키스탄의 영화 산업 생존을 위한 투쟁
폴리스 콘서트 투어를 위해 재결합하다
▣ Health & Sports (교육 및 스포츠)
APEC이 청소제 기술 밀어 붙일 예정
Australian PM in Indonesia
Danube pollution
Huge earthquake hits central China
NV-1205-Mekong Dams
NV-1205-North American Goldman Prize
NV-1206-Potomac Named Most Endangered River
NV-1206-Public Hearings on Popular Pesticide Spotlight Safety Concerns
NV-1206-Recycling Bin-End of Line, a New Beginning
NV-1207-Battling Worst US Drought
NV-1207-Bees Are Misunderstood, Experts say
NV-1208-Hawaii's Birds
NV-1208-Record Drought
NV-1208-Shark Fin Soup
NV-1209-'Silent Spring' Turns Fifty
NV-1209-New Orleans
NV-1210-Diminishing Arctic Ice
NV-1212-Decline in Asia's Fish Stocks
NV-1212-Organic-Conventional Farming
Polluters must pay for climate change
To bury greenhouse gases
UN warns Somalia
UN 패널 기후 변화와 만나다
US envoy urges China
교토 의정서
끈 매는 사람들이 비밀을 풀다
녹색 학교
발리에서 기후변화협약 개최
밤하늘 주 광해 문제 조명
부시가 기후 변화 안을 열다
심해 트롤어업 해양생물체 위협
인기를 얻고 있는 친환경 직업
인도네시아 법정
일터에 부는 친환경 열풍
적십자 경고
중국 기후 변화와 투쟁할 것을 약속
지구의 날
플랑크톤 사용을 확고히 하다
허리케인에 대비 하라
▣ Politics (정치)
Bush seeks to boost US food aid
Cambodian Journalist Shot Dead
Charles Taylor가 그의 재판에 참석거부
Clinton holds lead
Clinton wins big in West Virginia
Guantanamo 재판을 미궁으로 놓다
Meet the US candidates
New study shows women
NV-1204-Burma Minorities
NV-1204-오바마 대통령 버핏세 촉구
NV-1205-911 Attack Mastermind, Co-Plotters Arraigned
NV-1205-Burma and China
NV-1205-Ethiopian Diaspora Media Compete
NV-1205-Obama Re-Election Campaign
NV-1205-PACs Boosted by Supreme Court Ruling
NV-1205-Pakistan-US Ties
NV-1206-As Iran Talks Falter, Fears of Military Action
NV-1206-Egypt's President-Elect at Home in His Village
NV-1206-Egyptian Camel Riders Hope They'll Have a Say
NV-1206-Facing Depressing Choice
NV-1206-Hispanic Voters Could Play Key Role in US
NV-1206-Mounting Syrian Death Toll Prompts
NV-1206-Syrian Refugees Seek Help in Lebanon
NV-1207-Libya to Hold First Free Election in 60 Years
NV-1207-Libya's Former Rebels
NV-1207-No Signs of Peace in Burma's Kachin
NV-1207-Police Brutality and Boko Haram
NV-1207-Rising Death Toll in Syria
NV-1207-Syrian Rebels Claim Advances
NV-1207-US Military Plans Operations in Africa
NV-1207-US to Assure ASEAN on China During Meetings
NV-1208-Afghans Hopeful, But Worried About Future
NV-1208-Farm Bill
NV-1208-Libya's Minority Berbers
NV-1208-South China Sea Tensions
NV-1208-Syria Jihadists
NV-1208-UN Military Action in Mali
NV-1208-VP Running Mate
NV-1209-Iranian Hopes Dashed at Non-Aligned Summit
NV-1209-Panetta Heads to China
NV-1210-2012 Presidential Debates Begin
NV-1210-Bahrain Medics
NV-1210-Indian Yoga Guru
NV-1210-Japanese React With Fear, Anger
NV-1210-Syrian Conflict Gives Kurds New Freedom
NV-1211-Syria Lebanon Violence
NV-1211-US Immigration
NV-1212-Alleged Corruption in Washington
NV-1212-Anti-Jihad Metro Ads
NV-1212-Debate New Media
NV-1301-Iran’s Nuclear Program
NV-1301-Post-2014 US Assistance
NV-1301-South China Sea Issue
NV-1302-Arab Spring Still a Work in Progress
NV-1302-Britain Could Be on Path to EU Exit
NV-1303-AIPAC 연례총회
NV-1303-Conservatives See Victory in Budget Cuts
NV-1303-스리랑카 정부군 인권유린
NV-1303-연두교서, 국내 문제에 집중할 듯
NV-1304-북한 핵실험
Obama Leads McCain In Three New Polls
고이즈미 장기집권
미 특사, 이스라엘에 평화회담 재개 압력
미국 대통령 후보 오바마
미국 사절단 북한을 믿다
미국 상원 이라크 지원 법안 승인
버틀러 보고서
부시 대통령 전쟁과 검사에 도전
부시 민주당원과 이라크 전쟁으로 충돌
부시 이라크지출 투표 거듭 약속
부시 전쟁 기금법안 거듭 요청
새 일본 총리 아베
서 아프리카 전문가들 전쟁범죄 재판 칭찬
오바마 대통령 억류자 폭행사진의 공개를 막으려고 노력하다
▣ Science (과학)
Bill Gates sees images of the future
British lawmakers pave way
Carbonated drinks
hydrogen car is coming
NV-1205-Multiplayer Computer Games
NV-1205-Private Spacecraft
NV-1205-Stem Cell Therapy
NV-1206-Space Exploration Enthusiasts Say US Program
NV-1207-Japanese Robots Besting Humans at Games
NV-1208-National Medical Collection
NV-1209-Austrian Programmers
NV-1212-Self-Driving Cars
NV-1302-BlackBerry Unveils Two New Smartphones
Study finds mars water
과체중 미국인들 비만과 전투
과학자들 개크기 결정하는 DNA 발견
돈내고 낮잠자세요
먼저 입술을 읽으면 더 잘 이해한다
명왕성, 행성 지위 박탈
바다아래 케이블 도둑
버지니아 공대생 케냐에 가다
새로운 박물관 전시
스웨덴 Linneaus를 숭앙하다
아기들 언어를 인식하기 위해 시각적 단서 사용
아스피린 사용은 여성 수명을 연장 한다
아시아 블로그 수의 증가
인도 반 에이즈 약 사용에 뒤떨어지다
인도 이탈리아 인공위성을 발사하다
인도네시아에서 대규모 죽음의 산호 발견
인류조상의 직립보행이 나무에서 시작됐다
재생 가능한 자동차 연료
전기자동차의 미래를 향해 나아가는 한국
제 2형 당뇨병 유전과 관계 없다
▣ Society (사회)
10,000 dead in Burma cyclone
American teens write off
Americans Celebrate
Americans honor their war dead
Conflicts in Iraq
Dalai Lama calls on US lawmakers
Disasters and turmoil mar China
Future of UN mission
IOC officials urge China
Iraqi christians
Israel celebrates 60th anniversary
labor_ law_protests_rock_france
New Human Rights Commissioner
NGO Works
Nigeria Orders Crackdown
NV-1204-Smuggling Tunnels in Gaza
NV-1204-비무장 10대 살해혐의 남성 석방
NV-1204-조지 클루니
NV-1205-Korea Surveillance School
NV-1205-Pre-Term Birth
NV-1205-React Obama Same-Sex Marriage
NV-1205-World Press Freedom Day
NV-1206-Disabled North Korean Defector Finds Hope in Seoul
NV-1206-Dump Provides Livelihood, Brings Perils to Nairobi Poor
NV-1206-Iranian Homosexuals Speak Out About
NV-1206-Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region
NV-1206-Marula Oil to Fight Poverty in Swaziland
NV-1206-Young Singer Wins Chance of a Lifetime
NV-1207-Analysts_Serious Challenges Await First Woman
NV-1207-China-Made US Olympic Uniforms Spark
NV-1207-Ningxia, China Muslims
NV-1207-Pakistanis Tire of Water, Electricity Shortages
NV-1207-US Unemployed Become Jobless, Homeless, Hopeful
NV-1208-Ai Weiwei's Political Activism
NV-1208-Alawites Fear Future
NV-1208-Asian Population Boom in US
NV-1208-Azaz Residents
NV-1208-Human Trafficking
NV-1208-Soldier Suicides
NV-1208-US Army Corps of Engineers
NV-1208-Wisconsin Shooting
NV-1209-1st Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
NV-1209-Anti-Islam Film
NV-1209-Old-Fashioned Domesticity
NV-1209-US Muslims
NV-1209-US Occupy Protest
NV-1210-Korea Suicide
NV-1212-Floating Classroom
NV-1304-Senior Citizens Express Anxiety About US Budget Cuts
NV-1304-Trees Tell Lost Tales of US Civil War Soldiers
Philippine government denies
South Korean Prosecutors
South Korean Strikes
US and North Korean nuclear negotiators
Virginia Tech
경계선 분쟁
고위급 미국 사절단 수단에서 조치 요구
교황 베네딕트
교황 부활절을 경축하다
교황 요한 바오로 2세 바티칸으로 돌아오다
교황 터키 방문
동아시아 절대 빈곤 근절되다
동티모르의 부상당한 대통령
또다른 피의 공격
레바논 군대 팔레스타인군과 충돌하다
무장 괴한들 석유 노동자 3명 납치
미국의 가장 위대한 세대를 기억하라
버지니아 공대 수업을 재개하다
베네딕트 교황의 미국 방문
부시 미군들을 기억하라 요청
부시 토네이도가 황폐하 시킨 마을을 순회하다
북한 핵실험 실시
빌 클린턴
세계 젊은이들 집회
세계 지도자들 대량학살 희생자들을 애도하다
소년병의 고통 연구
스테트슨 대학
옐친 전설 속에 남다
유엔 사무총장
이라크 차 폭탄테러
인도네시아 지진 생존자들
전 러시아 대통령 보리스 옐친 사망
전 시에라 레온 소년병
총기소지자 미국 대학에서 32명 살해
최악의 총기 난사 사건
카트리나 후 21개월
캘리포니아의 Gold Rush Town
크리스천들의 부활절 축하
클러스터 폭탄
한 이라크 여성
▣ World Today (세계는 지금)
1301-US Flu Outbreak Earlier, Spreading Faster
Amnesty International Scores Russian Human Rights Record
Beijing Olympics Trigger
Current Missile Range Too Short
DNA Tests
Dutch Ban Tobacco
Former South Korean President Roh Dead in Apparent
Israel Hezbollah Swap Prisoners
London Urges Release of British Hostages in Iraq
NV-1204-China Bo Popularity
NV-1204-Cuba Pope
NV-1204-Panetta Latin Advancer
NV-1204-고대 크메르족 석상을 둘러싼 소더비즈의 분쟁
NV-1204-시리아 휴전
NV-1204-인도와 파키스탄-무역 늘리기
NV-1204-티베트 망명자들 자살 시위
NV-1205-Former Military Officer Fights African Poachers
NV-1205-Internet Week Conference
NV-1205-Kenya Translators Without Borders
NV-1205-London Olympic Park Gets Major Test
NV-1205-Lutheran Refugee Service
NV-1205-Protesters in Moscow
NV-1206-Britain Prepares for Jubilee Celebrations
NV-1206-Euro 2012 Brings Ukraine Closer to Europe
NV-1206-Euro 2012 Prompts Ukrainians to Learn English
NV-1206-Filipino-Chinese Merchants
NV-1206-Greece Blames Olympics for Stoking Debt Crisis
NV-1206-Rodney King Remembered, Police Beating Led to LA Riots
NV-1206-Twin Crises Converge on Burkina Faso
NV-1207-Egypt Prepares for Holiest Month
NV-1207-Russian Laws Keep Gay Life Behind Closed
NV-1207-Syria Conflict Stokes Calls for Global Arms
NV-1207-Writers Kick-start Career with Print-on-Demand
NV-1209-Acid Attacks Continue in Cambodia
NV-1209-African Immigrants
NV-1209-Egyptian President's Iran Trip
NV-1209-New Challenges for US in Middle East
NV-1209-Pope Visits Lebanon
NV-1209-Russia Atlai
NV-1210-Eels on Slippery Slope in East Asia
NV-1210-Pakistan Prisons' Mother-and-Infant Program
NV-1210-Schwarzenegger Becomes Policy Analyst
NV-1211-Dictators of the 21st Century
NV-1211-Russia St Petersburg
NV-1301-Rangoon's Historic Buildings
NV-1304-보존 위기에 처한 베를린 장벽
N_Korean Nuclear Test Triggers Global Condemnation
Philippine Divers
Senegal Dominates
Several Children Die
Suicide Bombing in Somalia Raises Concerns About Foreign Support
UN Secretary General to visit war-torn Sri Lanka
▣ 뉴스용 필수 어휘
시사 1
시사 2
동요 및 팝송
▣ 동요 스페셜 (영상제공)
YV-A Sailor Went To Sea
YV-Aeroplane Aeroplane_Modes Of Transport
YV-After A While, Crocodile
YV-Baa Baa Black Sheep
YV-Bingo Dog Song
YV-Ding Dong Bell
YV-Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream
YV-Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt
YV-Farmer In The Dell Rhyme
YV-Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
YV-Good Morning, Mr Rooster
YV-Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
YV-Hickory Dickory Dock
YV-Hokey Pokey
YV-Hot Cross Buns
YV-Humpty Dumpty
YV-Hush Little Baby
YV-I'm A Little Teapot
YV-If You Happy And You Know It
YV-If You're Happy
YV-Itsy Bitsy Spider
YV-Jingle Bells Jingle Bells
YV-Johny Johny Yes Papa
YV-Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat
YV-Lights Of The Signal
YV-London Bridge Is Falling Down
YV-Old MacDonald Had a Farm
YV-One Little Finger
YV-Put On Your Shoes
YV-Rain Rain Go Away
YV-Rock Scissors Paper1
YV-Rock Scissors Paper2
YV-Row Row Row Your Boat
YV-Six Little Ducks
YV-Ten in the Bed
YV-The Butterfly Song
YV-The Eensy Weensy Spider
YV-The Shape Song _1
YV-The Shape Song _2
YV-The wheels on the bus
YV-The wheels on The Bus2
YV-This Is The Way We Brush Our Teeth
YV-This Little Piggy
YV-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
YV-Walking In The Jungle
YV-Yes, I Can
▣ 동요 모음
Alphabet song
Amazing grace
Apples and oranges
Baa baa black sheep
Bicycle built for two
Cats and Dogs and Duck
Deep and wide
Did you ever see a horse fly
Goosey goosey gander
Great green gobs
Here we go around the mulberry bush
Here we go luby loo
Hey diddle diddle
Hickory, dickory, dock
Hot cross buns
How many miles to Babylon
How much is that doggy in the window
Humpty dumpty
Hush-a-bye, baby
I am a little teapot
I saw three ships come sailing by
Incy wincy spider
Indian boy
Jack and Jill
Jack, be nimble
John Brown's baby
Little bo peep
Little boy blue
Little cabin in the wood
Little jack horner
Little Miss Muffet
Lullaby and goodnight
Mary had a little lamb
Mary, mary
Micheal Finigan
Oh Where, oh where has my little dog gone
Oh! Susanna
Old McDonald
On top of Old Smokey
One man went to mow
Oranges and lemons
Pease pudding
Polly put the kettle on
Polly wolly doodle
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Sing a song of sixpence
Six in a bed
Skip to my Lou
Skye boat song
Take me out to the ball game
The farmer in the dell
The grand old Duke of York
The grandfather clock
The happy wanderer
The lonely goatherd
The more we are together
The muffin man
The north wind doth blow
The old grey mare
The wheels on the bus
There was a crooked man
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
This is the way the ladies ride
This little pig went to market
Three blind mice
To market to market
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Two little dicky birds
Waltzing Matilda
Where is thumbkin
Yankee Doodle
Yellow rose in Texas
You are my sunshine
그것은 무슨 색 인가요
내 양동이에 구멍이 뚫렸어
네 연필을 써도 되니
누가 큰 가요
당신은 어디서 왔나요
당신은 책을 가지고 있나요
당신이 행복하고 그것을 안다면
라벤더는 파래
런던이 타요
손뼉을 치세요
알리 발리
우리 가족이예요
작별인사 노래
작은 손가락 하나
저는 슬퍼요
존 브라운의 아기
좋은 아침
탐은 피리부는 이의 아들
▣ 팝송 모음
MV-25 Minutes
MV-Beauty and the Beast
MV-Bed of roses
MV-Bridge over troubled water
MV-Do not cry
MV-Do not forget to remember
MV-Do not it make my brown eyes blue
MV-For the good times
MV-Goodbye yellow brick road
MV-Heal the world
MV-Hey jude
MV-Hotel california
MV-How am I supposed to live without you
MV-I just called to say I love you
MV-I will always love you
MV-I will be there
MV-I will survive
MV-It is so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
MV-Just the way you are
MV-Kiss and say goodbye
MV-Let it be
MV-Let it go
MV-Love hurts
MV-Love is a wonderful thing
MV-More than words
MV-Mother of mine
MV-My heart will go on
MV-My way
MV-Now and forever
MV-Oh, pretty woman
MV-Ordinary world
MV-Perhaps love
MV-Piano man
MV-Runaway train
MV-Say you,say me
MV-Take it easy
MV-Take my breath away
MV-Tears in heaven
MV-Temple of the king
MV-The crying game
MV-The power of love
MV-The sign
MV-The sound of silence
MV-To sir with love
MV-Unchained melody
MV-We are all alone
MV-We are the champions
MV-What a wonderful world
MV-What's up
MV-When I dream
MV-When I fall in love
MV-Will you be there
MV-Wind of change
MV-Without you
MV-Yesterday once more
MV-Your eyes
MV-물랑루즈-your song
MV-사랑의 협주곡
▣ 히트 팝송 1
MV-Jason Mraz(제이슨 므라즈)_Geek In The Pink
MV-Jennifer Lopez_Brave
MV-Joe_I Like Sexy Girls
MV-Justin Timberlake_Senorita
MV-Kelly Clarkson_Because Of You
MV-Kelly Clarkson_Miss Independent
MV-Keyshia Cole_Fallin' Out
MV-Keyshia Cole_Love
MV-LeAnn Rimes_But I Do Love You
MV-LeAnn Rimes_Can't Fight The Moonlight (Theme From Coyote Ugly)
MV-Mandy Moore_Only Hope
MV-Mariah Carey_All I Want For Christmas Is You
MV-Mariah Carey_It's Like That
MV-Mariah Carey_My All
MV-Mariah Carey_One Sweet Day
MV-Mariah Carey_We Belong Together
MV-Maroon 5(마룬 파이브)_She Will Be Loved
MV-Maroon 5(마룬 파이브)_Sunday Morning
MV-Maroon 5(마룬 파이브)_This Love
MV-Maroon 5(마룬 파이브)_Won't Go Home Without You
MV-Mary J_Blige_Family Affair
MV-Ne-Yo(니요)_Because Of You
MV-Ne-Yo(니요)_So Sick
MV-Pink(핑크)_Get The Party Started
MV-Pink(핑크)_Stupid Girls
MV-Pussycat Dolls(푸시캣 돌스)_Stickwitu
MV-Rachel Yamagata(레이첼 야마가타)_Be Be Your Love
MV-Red Hot Chili Peppers_Dani California
MV-Red Hot Chili Peppers_Scar Tissue
MV-Rihanna(리아나)_Don't Stop The Music (Album Version)
MV-Rihanna(리아나)_Take A Bow
MV-Rihanna(리아나)_Umbrella(Feat_Jay Z)
MV-Sarah McLachlan(사라 맥라클란)_Adia
MV-Sarah McLachlan(사라 맥라클란)_Angel
MV-Savage Garden_Truly Madly Deeply
MV-Shania Twain_You're Still The One
MV-Sweetbox(스위트박스)_Life Is Cool
MV-Tal Bachman_She's So High
▣ 히트 팝송2
MV-Adele(아델)_Chasing Pavements
MV-Alicia Keys_If I Ain't Got You
MV-Alicia Keys_No One
MV-Ashlee Simpson_Shadow
MV-Atc_Thinking Of You
MV-Avril Lavigne(에이브릴 라빈)_Complicated
MV-Avril Lavigne(에이브릴 라빈)_Knockin' On Heaven's Door (live)
MV-Avril Lavigne_I'm With You
MV-Backstreet boys_As Long As You Love Me
MV-Beyonce Knowles_Irreplaceable
MV-Beyonce Knowles_Listen
MV-Boyz II Men_It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday
MV-Brian McKnight_Back At One
MV-Britney Spears_Do Somethin'
MV-Britney Spears_Everytime
MV-Britney Spears_Piece Of Me
MV-Britney Spears_Toxic
MV-Britney Spears_Womanizer
MV-Can't get you out of my head- Kylie Minogue
MV-Chris Brown_With You
MV-Christina Aguilera(크리스티나 아길레라)_I Turn To You
MV-Christina Aguilera(크리스티나 아길레라)_The Voice Within
MV-Fergie_Big Girls Don't Cry (Personal)
MV-Frames(프레임즈)_Falling Slowly
MV-Gareth Gates_Listen To My Heart
MV-George Michael_Kissing A Fool
MV-Gwen Stefani_The Sweet Escape
MV-Hilary Duff_So Yesterday
MV-Hoobastank_The Reason
MV-Hugh Grant(휴 그랜트)_Way Back Into Love (With Haley Bennett)
MV-James Blunt(제임스 블런트)_You're Beautiful
MV-James Morrison_You Give Me Something
MV-Jason Mraz_I'm Yours
MV-Jessica_Goodbye (영화 '약속')
MV-The Calling_Wherever You Will Go
MV-The Corrs_Summer Sunshine
MV-TLC_Dear Lie
MV-Toni Braxton_Unbreak My Heart
MV-Usher_My Boo (Feat_Alicia Keys & Beyonce)
MV-Usher_U Got It Bad
MV-Usher_U Remind Me
MV-Westlife_My Love
MV-Westlife_You Raise Me Up
▣ 올드 팝송1
MV-4 Non Blondes_What's Up
MV-ABBA_Dancing Queen
MV-ABBA_Does Your Mother Know
MV-ABBA_I Have A Dream
MV-ABBA_Lay all your love on me
MV-ABBA_Mamma Mia
MV-ABBA_Money, Money, Money
MV-ABBA_Super Trouper
MV-ABBA_Take A Chance On Me
MV-ABBA_Thank You For The Music
MV-All 4 One_I Swear
MV-Bee Gees_How Deep Is Your Love
MV-Boyz II Men_I'll Make Love To You
MV-Boyzone_No Matter What
MV-B_J_Thomas_Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head (영화 '내일을 향해 쏴라')
MV-Carpenters(카펜터스)_Close To You
MV-Carpenters_Top Of The World
MV-Daniel Powter_Bad Day
MV-Eric Clapton_Change The World
MV-Extreme_When I First Kissed You
MV-맘마미아_The winner takes it all
▣ 올드 팝송2
MV-Elvis Costello_She
MV-Laura Fygi_Let There Be Love
MV-LeAnn Rimes_How Do I Live (Extended Mix)
MV-Lynden David Hall_All You Need Is Love
MV-Muse_Can't Take My Eyes Off You
MV-Natalie Cole_Love
MV-Ordinary People_John Legend
MV-Police_Every Breath You Take
MV-Queen_Love Of My Life
MV-Rufus Wainwright_Across The Universe
MV-Stevie Wonder_Isn't She Lovely
MV-Sting_Shape Of My Heart
MV-The Archies_Sugar, Sugar
MV-The Bangles_Eternal Flame
MV-The Corrs_What Can I Do
MV-Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree
MV-Westlife_More Than Words
MV-Westlife_Uptown Girl
MV-Wet Wet Wet_Love Is All Around
MV-Wild Cherry_Play That Funky Music
MV-You Light Up My Life_LeAnn Rimes
▣ 찬송가
All night, all day
Before the starry universe
Bless that wonderful name
Christ in me
Come, children, come
El Shaddai
Family in the Lord
Freedom in You
God answers prayer
God is in this place
God will be exalted
Hidden treasure
I was the one
I will go
Jesus dying for me
My heart is set on you
Peace, peace, peace
See the seed of faith
See what love have done
Spirit, come
Sweet peace
The God of hope be with you
The only good is Jesus
The Word of the Lord
Walk with Jesus
Walking with You
Welcome, Lord
What a fine country
When I am afraid
When we talk to Him
구주와 함께 나 죽었으니
그 크신 하나님의 사랑
나 같은 죄인 살리신
나의 갈길 다가도록
내 영혼에 햇빛 비치니
내 영혼의 그윽히 깊은 데서
내 진정 사모하는 친구가 되시는
내 평생에 가는길
내가 매일 기쁘게 순례의 길 행함은
달고 오묘한 말씀
빈들에 마른 풀같이
선한 목자되신 우리주
세상 모든풍파 너를 흔들어
슬픈 마음 있는사람
예수는 나의 힘이요
예수로 나의 구주 삼고
오 놀라운 구세주
온 세상위하여
이몸의 소망 무엔가
잠시 세상에 내가 살면서
저 장미꽃 위에 이슬
죄짐맡은 우리구주
주 예수보다 더 귀한 것은 없네
주 하나님 지으신 모든 세계
주님께 영광
주와 같이 길가는 것
주의 약속하신 말씀위에서
주의 음성을 내가 들으니
캐롤-jingle bells
캐롤-Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
캐롤-Santa Claus is coming to town
캐롤-Silent night
캐롤-We wish you a merry christmas
태산을 넘어 험곡에 가도
하나님의 나팔소리
▣ 한글 동요
초1-꾀꼬리 노래
초1-남생아 놀아라
초1-두꺼비 집이 여물까
초1-파란 가을하늘
초1-학교가는 길
초2-꼭꼭 숨어라
초2-나무는 봄비를
초2-나의 꿈
초2-아름다운 나라
초2-우리는 친구
초2-월워리 청청
초2-즐거운 하루
초2-해와 비
초3-노래는 즐겁다
초3-누구를 닮을까
초3-매롱이 소리
초3-서로서로 도와가며
초4-동네 한바퀴
초4-뒷산에 올라
초4-봄맞이 가자
초4-산바람 강바람
초4-아빠의 얼굴
초4-어머님 은혜
초4-이몸이 새라면
초4-종달새의 하루
초5-그리운 언덕
초5-러시아의 자장가
초5-새 나라 새 주인
초5-제헌절 노래
초5-하나가 되자
초5-하늘나라 동화
초5-환경을 깨끗이
초6-겨울 나무
초6-고향의 봄
초6-기차를 타고
초6-나뭇잎 배
초6-낮에나온 반달
초6-눈오는 아침
초6-목장의 노래
초6-스와니강의 노래
초6-졸업식 노래
초6-즐거운 소풍길
▣ 팝송 가사
YV-Aerosmith_Dream On
YV-Air Supply_Just As I Am
YV-Alan Parson Project_Old And Wise
YV-All-4-One_So Much In Love
YV-Anne Murray_You Needed Me
YV-Aphrodite_s Child_Rain And Tears
YV-Backstreet Boys_Christmas Time
YV-Backstreet Boys_The Call
YV-Barry Manilow_I Can_t Smile Without You
YV-Beach Boys_Kokomo
YV-Bee Gees_First Of May
YV-Beth Nielsen Chapman_Say Goodnight
YV-Bobby Vinton_Dick and Jane
YV-Bon Jovi_It_s My Life
YV-Bonnie Raitt_You Got It
YV-Box Tops_The Letter
YV-Boys 2 Men_A Song For Mama
YV-Boyzone_Father and Son
YV-Boyzone_Love Me For A Reason
YV-Bridge over troubled water
YV-Britney Spears_Baby One More Time
YV-Brothers Four_Try To Remember
YV-Bryan Adams_All For Love
YV-Carole King_You_ve Got A Friend
YV-Carry and Ron_IOU
YV-Celine Dion_That_s The Way It Is
YV-Chirs De Burgh_The Girl with April in Her Eyes
YV-Chris De Burgh_The Lady in Red
YV-Christopher Cross_Arthur_s Theme
YV-Cliff Richard_Early in the Morning
YV-Creed_With Arms Wide Open
YV-Dan Fogelkerg_Longer
YV-Deep Purple_Soldier Of Fortune
YV-Diana Ross and Lionel Richie_Endless Love
YV-Dionne Warwick_That_s What Friends Are For
YV-Don McLean_And I Love You So
YV-Don Mclean_Vincent
YV-ELO_Midnight Blue
YV-Elton John_Can You Feel the Love Tonight
YV-Elton John_Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
YV-Elvis Preslery_Love Me Tender
YV-Elvis Pressley_Let It Be Me
YV-Emilia_Big Big World
YV-Enigma_Return to Innocence
YV-Eric Clapton_My Father_s Eyes
YV-Eric Clapton_Wonderful Tonight
YV-Firehouse_I Live My Life For You
YV-Foo Fighters_Learn to Fly
YV-Fool's Garden_Lemon Tree
YV-George Michael_They Won_t Go When I Go
YV-Gerald Joling_Ticket To The Tropics
YV-Gilbert O_Sullivan_Alone Again
YV-Glenn Medeiros_Nothing_s Gonna Change
YV-Goerge Michael_Faith
YV-Gramma Ray_Heaven Can Wait
YV-Indecent Obsession_Fixing A Broken Heart
YV-Jinchua and Abi_One Summer Night
YV-John Denver_Annie_s Song
YV-John Denver_Rocky Mountain High
YV-John Denver_Take Me Home Country Roads
YV-John Lennon_Imagine
YV-Johnny Horton_All For The Love Of A Girl
YV-Journey_Open Arms
YV-Judas Priest_Before the Dawn
YV-Judy Garland_Over the Rainbow
YV-Kansas_Dust in the Wind
YV-Klaatu_December Dream
YV-Laura Fygi_Dream A Little Dream
YV-Leann Rimes_Blue
YV-LENKA_Everything At Once
YV-Linda Eder_Once Upon A Dream
YV-Lobo_I_d Love You To Want Me
YV-Lou Bega_Mambo No 5
YV-Lucy Nation_Alright
YV-Lynyrd Skynyrd_Simple Man
YV-M2M_Don_t Say You Love Me
YV-Mariah Carey_Love Takes Time
YV-Matchbox 20_Bent
YV-Melanie Safka_The Saddest Thing
YV-Michael Franks_Antonio_s Song
YV-Michael Learns to Rock_Breaking My Heart
YV-Michael Learns_Nothing to Lose
YV-Michael Learns_Paint My Love
YV-Miguel Rios_Song Of Joy
YV-Mr Big_If That_s What It Takes
YV-Mr Big_Wild World
YV-N Sync_It_s Gonna Be Me
YV-Nightwish_Walking In The Air
YV-No Doubt_Don_t Speak
YV-Oasis_Don_t Look Back in Anger
YV-Olivia Newton John_Let Me Be There
YV-Paul Anka_Diana
YV-Paul McCartney_Ebony and Ivory
YV-Phil Collins_Against All Odds
YV-Phil Collins_Another Day In Paradise
YV-Placebo_Every You Every Me
YV-Queen_We Will Rock You
YV-Radiohead_Exit Music
YV-Radiohead_High And Dry
YV-REM_The Great Beyond
YV-Rialto_Monday Morning 519
YV-Richard Marx_Right Here Waiting
YV-Richard Sanderson_Reality
YV-Richie Valens_Donna
YV-Taylor Swift_Shake It Off